Kid Drift

Image from iheartradio — Kid Young

When the kid was little, I’d try to keep her entertained some sunny afternoons by sitting on the patio and cuddling up on the outdoor chaise lounge. I would tell her to pick three items and I would then make up a story to include her choices. She used to love it. As did I.

As she got older, I’d have her do the same, with three items of my choosing. We enjoyed this activity so much that I started doing it more. When I would wash her hair, we’d play the game. Sometimes, to introduce a little variation, after picking three items, I’d start the story, and then she’d add onto it. We would go back and forth piggybacking different parts to the story until her hair was complete.

We don’t sit outside to waste time that much anymore, and she’s getting older and washes her own hair most of the time now. But there are occasions where she still needs help.

Yesterday was one of these times that I needed to step in and wash her hair for her. Before I could even approach the sink to get started with the task, she called out to Alexa to start her music playlist.

I don’t want to impose any ill intentions onto my kid, but I really feel I saw a small snigger of knowledge of what she was doing. Like a purposeful plan to avoid our story time.

Even if it wasn’t really there and I imagined it, she didn’t suggest the activity or ready herself for it. And the fact remains that we didn’t narrate a good story that night and probably won’t do so too many more times in the future. Unless I force her. And then there will be crying and yelling and irritation.

Moral of this blog? This is yet another item I have to scratch off of my imagined mother-daughter tradition list.

Insert sad face and thumb down emoji.

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